Thursday, 30 January 2014

Get organised in 30 days, The Grand Finale!


I hope that you have enjoyed this series of challenges over the last month. I know I have. Now that the challenge has officially come to an end, I implore you to keep up with what you have learned. Getting organised is a journey. It will take time and a lot of patience for some of you. Please feel free to come back and re read over the posts. 

Today we are going to go back into our offices and spend 15 minutes tidying your office again. A tidy office is an inviting office.

Thankyou for joining me in this series

I am now going to return to my sewing, just for a little while at least :)

Take care and God Bless


Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Get organised in 30 days, Day 29

Can you believe we have nearly completed this challenge?? What an achievement. You should all be very proud of what you have done in your homes over the last month. You have decluttered, got financially aware, made better use of your time, cleaned your kitchens and bedrooms. We have learned about planning "Me" time and projects, made time for our families and I have managed to walk you through all of this and not completely fall apart!

I want to thank everyone who has encouraged me to share my knowledge and techniques. Without these people I would not have even considered writing on a regular basis. It has been a major challenge for me to transfer thoughts to paper and then expand them onto this blog. I have had to open up about myself in a way I have not been able to do in the past. This journey for me has also helped me reduce my anxiety and may one day lead to write the book that I have also been challenged to write.

For now, I am going to enjoy working on my quilt project, which I will share with you tomorrow.

Organisation Day

Well for the 2nd to last day of our challenge is a tough one for some. I can proudly state that my decluttering buddy Tash, did this over the weekend and the difference is amazing!

Today we are going to go through our DVD collections and decide what you love and what you really don't need. If your anything like me, you have kids DVD's that the kids are no longer watching or have grown out of. 
Our other task today is going to be to organise one area in your craft room or your kids' craft supplies.

Once you have completed these tasks, remove the donations and place them in your car immediately. Next time you are out, donate them to your favourite charity. 

Have a wonderful and Blessed day!

God Bless

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Get Organised in 30 Days, Day 28

Wow! The weekend seems to have flown by and I straight out forgot to write my Post!! However I have been busy helping my Decluttering Buddy, Natasha to regain another room in her home. Nothing like releasing the clutter of toys no longer wanted, costumes that have long since had it and videos that have been replaced by DVDs. Over 2 days and a total of 6 hours, we cleared out 3 boxes of kids clutter, a TV cabinet and created a study station for her 2 kids. A book case got a complete makeover and there are now boxes upon boxes of stuff going to a garage sale this weekend. The wheelie bin is full and there is a great deal of satisfaction being felt for the achievements this weekend. It wasn't all work though, as  we took time out to have a swim, a couple of BBQ sessions and spending time with the kids.


Today we are going to a bunch of 10 minute jobs to get the house ship shape before school starts next week.

Ok Set your timer for 10 minutes for each of these 6 jobs

  1. Sweep your floors and give a quick Mop.
  2. Sweep your Patio/balcony
  3. Clean your bathroom (just a quick swish and swipe)
  4. Clean mirrors and glass.
  5. Tidy your junk drawer
  6. damp dust your lounge room.
Getting these few tasks done will help to get your home looking ready for any surprise visitors. Have a great day and enjoy the journey!

God Bless


Friday, 24 January 2014

Get Organised in 30 Days, Day 24

Self Image and Self Care

As a busy mum and carer, I have had very little time to myself over the years. I learned a few years ago how to do a few things once a week to set my week up to be successful. Normally on a Friday night (or Saturday if we have a date night), I do these 3 things:

  1. Spend 30 minutes ironing my clothes and pair up outfits for the next week. 
  2. Have a soak in the bath, give myself a facial and manicure my eyebrows
  3. paint my nails.
By doing these 3 tasks, I find that I am less stressed during the week, as I already have my clothes ready. I can stumble out of bed n the morning and grab an outfit, put it on and start my day looking good. I also have regularly scheduled appointments with my hair dresser. This is my one BIG outlay every 2 months, as I do colour my rapidly greying hair. I have saved hundreds of dollars by doing my own eyebrows and facials. This allows me to have the luxury of getting my hair done.

Today, I challenge you to add to your weekly facial routine and do these 3 tasks. take some time out and think about next week. Make up some outfits, paint your nails, spend a little time on yourself. I guarantee that your mood will improve and you will have a spring in your step.

I also challenge you today to book in a couple of date nights in with your loved ones. With your partner and with your children (should you have any). 

Have a wonderful Friday
God Bless

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Get organised in 30 days, Day 23

Home office or Dumping Zone?

For a person who is so well organised, my office is the messiest and most disorganised room in our home. For most people it is either this room or their Bedroom where everything amazingly finds it's way to have a nap and many times never leave! As I have mentioned in the past my office is used for more than one task. So I am on a constant Declutter in my office.

So this brings me to today's task:

20 Piece Pick Up.

Today we are going to remove the items from our offices, so that we can see our desks again and get in to do the work we know we really must. When you have cleaned out the extras, give your desk a wipe down and vacuum the room. There is nothing better than a clean and tidy office to invite you in to do some work. While you are at it, Grab some flowers to brighten up the room too :)


Today I challenge you to do one random act of kindness. Be it for a stranger or a neighbour. 

By doing something for someone else selflessly, you will discover a smile creep up on your face that you just can't shake. Give it a go and post your activities on our FB page :)

Have a Blessed Day
God Bless


Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Get organised in 30 Days, Day 22

Organisation Day

Welcome back to another Organisation Wednesday. There has been much decluttering and shuffling of stuff around the ODAAT home. We are in the process of streamlining a few things and even planning our Kitchen renovation. We have finally settled on a layout and style, but the waiting for quotes is the hardest part at the moment. So what does this have to do with today's post? Well... a couple of things. We have been getting organised for long enough, that we have time now to plan projects and do little organisation tasks at the drop of a hat.

As we are in the Bedroom this week, we are going to look at your clothes and your laundering habits. DO you wash every day? Do you wait until the weekend and get frustrated, because you have to do the washing all weekend, just to have clothes for the next week? I used to wash my clothes only on the weekend. I also used to get mad, because I couldn't get anything done with the kids or my hubby.
My family now has a laundry routine that includes the kids stripping their beds on alternate weeks, and everyone taking their dirty clothes to the laundry and even sorting their washing into our sorting system. I have to give The Organised housewife credit for the sorting system, as it is the best system for our busy family.
Although it is her idea, I purchased mine from Ikea, as it is narrower and fits in my available space. It was also 20% cheaper than the Howards Storage version.

The other thing we are going to do is set a daily/bi daily laundry routine. Figure out how often you need to wash darks, colours, whites, sheets and towels. I know that for my family it is 1 load a day and usually 2 on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I normally don't wash on Thursday or Sunday, as I give myself a break. I turn my washing on first thing in the morning and hang it out when I get home from the morning's errands. I also remove the previous day's washing, fold and put away all at the same time. This usually takes no more than 20 minutes to do all of this. I dare you to try!

The other thing we are going to do is plan a project to work on. Spend 10 minutes today writing down a project you want to work on. It could be in the garden, an art project, planning a renovation, even planning time out with your beloved.

Enjoy your home life and keep it simple.

Have Fun with it all and God Bless


Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Get Organised on 30 Days, Day 21

A quick Slipshod, Scrub and Shine Today!

Good Morning and welcome to another Tuesday!! I hope you are all staying cool in this incredible heat. I know that I have had to be extra vigilant to remember my water. Any ways we are back in our bedrooms today. 

Grab your all purpose cleaner and a cloth today, because you are off to wipe down all your flat surfaces in your bedroom and wardrobe today. Once you have done that you are fully given permission to put something pretty on your bedside tables. 

Have a fantastic day and God Bless


Monday, 20 January 2014

Get organised in 30 Days, Day 20

file image
This week we are working in our bedrooms and wardrobes.

Shiny Shoes or Dust Collectors?

Ok I have to admit that I LOVE shoes! I have always loved shoes. My mum always had a hard time getting me to wear something other than my favourite pair of patent red leather shoes as a small girl. I remember being heart broken, when they no longer fit me and I couldn't get another pair just like them! I recall not letting Mum give them to my sister or throw them out. As I have gotten older, I have found that I have fewer shoes than I wanted, due to  awkwardly small but wide feet. 

So I have had a habit of holding onto shoes that I don't particularly like, because I thought I would never find better. Recently I have been able to re indulge in my love of shoes, finding that some shops are starting to carry my size, due to a much higher asian population around me. WIN!

 Do you feel like you hold onto things out of guilt like I did? Do you still wear those worn out trackies or keep those pants that are a size too small, because "one day" I will fit into them again? 

Today is the day to release that guilt Ladies and Gents!

Time to spring clean your wardrobe!

Today you are to go into your wardrobe and remove all the clothes you haven't worn in 12 months, no longer fit, really have had it, really no longer suit you or you just don't feel comfortable wearing. Same goes with your shoes.

Enjoy your task and have fun with it

God Bless


Thursday, 16 January 2014

Get organised in 30 days, Day 16

The Importance of Financial Awareness

Last week we looked into getting our bills and paperwork in order so that we can deal with one of the biggest and most overwhelming areas for Australians today... Budgeting

Many of us live on credit cards, store cards and have debt to the eyeballs. My husband and I were no different, just a few short years ago. We were renting, had 2 credit cards a personal loan, contracts that were costing us money, a housing authority Bond debt and were relying on hand me downs for our kids. When we moved into our last rental, we made a decision that would radically change our lives forever. We got Organised. Yes I started decluttering our personal belongings and paperwork, but we made tough decisions to get rid of debt and become financially responsible. We started with our smallest debt in size, but biggest in interest. I have since learned that the method I used is called "snowballing". As we paid off each debt, the money that was left over went onto the next debt on our list of financial clutter. Within 18 months we had got rid of 2 credit cards, reduced our telecommunications bill by $80 per month, paid 80 % of our Bond Debt and found out that were were able to purchase our first home by refinancing our personal loan. Even when we refinanced, we continued to pay it off at the same amount that we had been in the past. Within 36 months we had got organised, changed jobs, become financially aware and bought our own home. How did we do it? We learned to Budget. We were tough on ourselves in the first 6 months and we really shopped around for the best deals on everything before we did anything.

Today, we are over $4000 ahead in our Mortgage (in just over 2 years) and we are also ahead on our personal loan. We are driving 10 year cars that really need replacing, but we know that as long as they are still working we can manage. It is so important to change our mindsets from I got to have the latest and greatest NOW, to I can make do with what I have and work toward the thing that I want.

Having an organised office is so important in this process. You need to be able to put your hands on paperwork and bills, whenever they are needed. For me, paperwork is still my one area that I struggle with. I really need 2 rooms for what I do in my office at present (I sew, blog and run the family accounts), but I will work with what I have until we can make changes.

Time to count the cost

Today is office day, so I challenge you to get your office in order today. Have an area where you can keep all your office supplies handy: stapler, pens pencils, paper, envelopes, files etc. Have large envelopes to contain your tax returns and receipts, so that you can keep them stored for 5 years safely incase you get audited. It is also handy to have them when applying for finance.

When you have your office together and you know where to find everything, it is important to decide  how you are going to manage you budget. I have found a couple of free ways and a couple that will cost a small amount. Please keep in mind that I am doing this as a service and that I am not a paid financial advisor. I am also not being paid by any company for the links.

You can go old fashion pen to paper or computerised. I have tried both, and as I am a visual person I find the computer style works best for me.

Ok Freebies
Paper  monthly budget by Organizher 
Microsoft Money Sunset. I love this program. I have used Money for many years and was unhappy to see them remove it from the range. They came to the party with this last version as a freebie.

Paid Versions
Quickbooks Personal. At $99.00 it seems a little steep, but the program is stable and easy to use.
In the Apple Mac app store there is Home Budget. it is the closest I have found to Money, since changing over to a Mac.
The Organised Housewife also has an Excel based Budget. I suggest that if you use a Mac, not to get this program, as it is difficult to use in Mac based Excel programs.

At the end of the day, check them all out, they all have their own merits. I have used them all. 

Remember when budgeting to put some into savings. Even if it is just $5.00 per pay period. It will get you into a regular routine. I also recommend when budgeting, that you get out all the bills for the last 12 months and add them all up and divide by the number of pay periods in a year. Then add 10% to the figure. This will help you ensure that you can pay bills on time and even help cover the unexpected Shocker. Spreading the payments out over pay periods makes for less bill stress and a greater sense of knowing what you can play with.
Remember also to give yourself a little to have fun with. My Hubby and I get $20 each a week. Just enough to treat ourselves to lunch or that piece of fabric I have been eying off LOL.

Ok enough rambling! Go into your office and conquer your financial clutter!! 

Have fun and God Bless


Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Get Organsied in 30 Days, Day 15

Do you realise that you have been getting organised for 2 weeks? How quickly the time has flown. I would love to get some feed back at this time as to how you are all going with this challenge. Please feel free to post on our Facebook page or comment at the end of this post.

Organisation Day

Today we are going to delve back into the kitchen to get ourselves one step closer to to being organised. Today your Challenge is to delve into your Pantry and Fridge. It is time to get it organised and ship shape.
Once you have organised and sorted your pantry and fridge, plan a 1 week menu based on what is in your pantry and fridge. Use as much as you can without having to go shopping. I challenge you to come up with some meals and share them with our small but growing community, so that we can all share in our tried and tested meals, especially the ones that are kid friendly. I know I am always looking for new meals that my children will eat. 

I will create a file on the Facebook page where I can collate the meals that we share. 

Have a fantastic day and God Bless


Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Get organised in 30 days, Day 14

Making the most of your day home

Ok, so the title is probably not what you were expecting, but I felt that I really needed to share with you how I break up my day (especially on school holidays), so that things get done around home, but the kids get to have fun and I get to enjoy them too.
Firstly, I work/play in half hour lots. I have found that I can then devote more time with the kids this way, unless we have an outing. While I am working, the kids are either helping with a task, watching a spot of tv, doing educational computer time or playing outside.
So from the time I get up until breakfast, I have made my bed, got dressed and put on the washing from the night before. The kids do their morning routine, including feed the cat and empty 1 rack of the dishwasher.
After breakfast we finish tidying the kitchen and I spend time with the kids helping them to finish any tasks they may have have difficulty with. We then have half an hour of time together, doing something they want to do.
In the next hour I complete some ironing and then play with the kids.
We then hang out the washing and play outside.
Do the daily task and spend some time working on a project that is in my project planner. Often the kids like to help too, then the kids have some educational time, while I prepare lunch.

I like to keep the afternoon flexible. 
Often my daughter will have a nap when we are home, so my son will play on his DS or on the Wii while she naps, so that I can work on a personal project (quilting or cross stitch) and then start on my blog. We also keep this time free for outings and shopping.

When the kids are at school, I run an ironing service for the teachers, so I break up my day similarly, but do it like this
iron, clean, iron, rest(do something for me). I repeat this action until work is done for the day and I pick up the kids.

Keeping my day on a simple routine like this have kept my sanity and allows me to plan any outings in advance. 

Slipshod Scrub and Shine Day

Today I want you to wipe down your cupboards, and give the fridge and oven a wipe down too. remember to make it fun and put on some music that makes you want to move.

Also don't forget to look at the photos on the Facebook page of my current project. I am doing it all 15 minutes at a time.

Have a fantastic day and God Bless


Monday, 13 January 2014

Get Organised in 30 Days, Day 13

Well First and Foremost, I must wish my amazing son Archer, a Happy 8th Birthday. He has overcome so much and achieved so much more than we could ever hope or dream of. He has given the diagnosis of Autism a new look. He has out done every challenge ever faced, from talking to reading and even attending a mainstream Christian school Class and becoming a gymnast with an incredible sense of balance. We Love you Archer.... and we can't wait to see what you achieve this year.

Ok, back to the real reason why we are here!

So over the course of the weekend, I set you all a task in your book cases. Well, my task was to remove wallpaper and take a flying 1 day round trip to Bunbury and Busselton. My daughter managed to score herself a teddy bear while in Bunbury.

Declutter Day!

Grab a basket and spend 5 minutes picking up all the things that mysteriously not found their way home in the last week. The spend 10 minutes putting it all away.
 Finally Spend  15 minutes doing a trash and Go session.

Have fun with it all and I will post up photos of the wallpaper removal tomorrow.



Saturday, 11 January 2014

Get organised in 30 days, Day 11 and 12

The weekend is here!!!

This means it is time to have fun with the family, get to those projects that are on your mind, plan a big project or just do something different for a change.

Time for a project.

block out a couple of hours this weekend to take a good hard look at your book and dvd collection. Are the shelves overflowing? have you bought books and dvd's with the full intention to read/view them and never did. Those books and dvd's that are still unloved, are they over a year old? Chances are that you will never get to them, if you haven't already. So Have a Stash, Trash and Go session this weekend and free yourself of some more guilt. Remember to be kind to yourself.

Have a great weekend and I will see you all again on Monday with some pics from our weekend :)

God Bless

Friday, 10 January 2014

Get organised in 30 days, Day 10

Friday is here again!

Ok, so Friday is here again. I bet you feel worn out, run down and really want out for a little while huh? I know I get that way. Especially when I haven't taken the time to really look after myself. 

Time to plan "Me" time

Yes! you need to plan me time. You need to write in your diary, note it on your fridge or set a reminder on your phone. Schedule in some time to do something you LOVE! For me that is sewing. I have for the last year set in my diary that I will sew for 30 minutes each day. It doesn't always happen, but when it does, I feel the stress melt away. I also plan day trips for myself. I love to get away down south and catch up with a couple of old friends and maybe even take a stroll on the beach.

Having this time out, is like having a mini holiday. Especially for busy mums. My family knows when I have been able to do this and when I haven't, as my moods can change quite starkly. 

Please do this mission, as it will help to break the feeling that you are always cleaning house or chasing children. I know that it really is my sanity saver. 

So go get your diary or planner and schedule it in!

God Bless


Thursday, 9 January 2014

Get organised in 30 days, Day 9

What's worse than the dreaded Lurgy?

The answer... the pile of filing that never seems to get done, the computer full of emails to be deleted and the tax stuff that you just don't know what to do with. 
Actually the real answer is writing a Budget. However, this can't be done if you don't know where all the money is going, because you haven't filed anything or just don't even know how to get a good system started and it all just seems a little too daunting! If this sounds familiar, then please set a time with yourself at least twice a week for the next month to work on this area. Most of us stress over money more than any other area in our lives. 

SO... Let's set ourselves a Thursday 1hr routine for our home office. We are going to break it up into 4 15 minute lots, so that we can start to claim back the treasure that is our peace and financial awareness.

Office routine

  1. sort through the pile of mail and paperwork from the last week. Please set up an "in box" for ALL incoming paperwork. that way you will know where to find it when you look for it in step 1. Throw out all junk and unnecessary paper, in this time. Put all bills in a folder that you can get to readily and place anything that needs to be filed neatly on your desk ready for step 2. (As the weeks go on you will be able to sort through much of the older paper work, as you will get into a good routine. Over the course of 3 months, I threw out an entire 90L container of old paperwork. Remember to start with the latest paperwork, so that you can make sure bills that are due get paid and not missed, hence not costing you extra fees.)
  2. DO YOUR FILING! only for 15 minutes. You will be surprised what you can achieve! I DARE YOU!!
  3. Schedule your bill payments for current bills and place any Tax claimable receipts into a folder for the current tax year.
  4. Clear your emails. This will include removing yourself from mailing lists that you no longer wish to receive. They are as bad or worse than junk mail in your letter box, because we just scan over them.
When we have started getting our paperwork in order, then we can start to look at our Budget. Next week we will look at what our options are and see the pros and cons of each of them.

If you are still not sure about filing, I suggest a really good course through Kikki-k. I have done this workshop and found much of it to be very helpful. They encourage you to buy their products, but I have been able to find affordable alternatives in many cases. For $40.00 and 2 hours of your life, it might just save you from drowning in the sea of paperwork. 
Please note I have not been paid by Kikki-k. I am sharing my own personal experiences.

Have some fun and reward yourself at the end of the hour with your favourite beverage or even a refreshing walk. 
Take care and God Bless


Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Get Organised in 30 Days, Day 8

Organising your Loot!

Ok so today is gong to be a fairly simple task. Time to organise the loot in your Linen closet. Work on 1 shelf at a time and sort through your linen. Sort your towels from your cleaning rags and your sheets from your doonas. 
A great little tip for sheets is to store sets in pillow the matching pillow case, so that you know that you have a complete set. Consider even storing one set of current season sheets in each bedroom for easy access. Nothing worse than hunting for sheets in the middle of the night when the kids have been sick.
Look at what you use and what you have kept just because Aunty gave it to you, even though you cant stand that table cloth. If you don't love it let it go. 

BTW this task should only take 15 to 20 minutes.

If you want to see how I did it a little while ago, check out this post

Have fun and God Bless


Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Get Organised in 30 Days, Day 7

Getting the House Ship Shape 

Our homes are starting to look a lot neater and tidier now, especially with all that lovely decluttering that you have been getting into. Make sure that you are Emptying your GO basket on a weekly basis to your favourite goodwill or give to a person that needs the item. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO KEEP IT ALL STORED IN YOUR HOUSE OR SHED! I have filled the boot of my car ready for today's drop off. I like to do this on Tuesday as part of my cleaning day. I get all the junk out of the house and clean the bins. I also like to to my detail cleaning on Tuesday.

So today we are attacking some detail cleaning jobs. Each should only take about 5 minutes. remember to set your timer and have fun with it. Crank up the music and swing those hips, because You need to keep the fun it!

Today's Tasks

  1. Grab your Cobweb broom and go after those cobwebs. No Freeloaders allowed on this ship!
  2. Grab a feather duster or damp rag and clean the skirting boards. Don't get too fussy, maybe even get the kids to have a game of ship to shore and get them dusting the boards for you ;)
  3. Grab a cloth and your all purpose spray and clean off all those finger prints on the light switches. While your at it give the door handle a spit shine (clean) too!
So in 15 minutes, or maybe 30 if the kids are having too much fun, you will have a few more of those tasks done that we all forget about.

Hope you all are taking care in this heat, I know my kids are going to be in the pool again today. Stay safe and have fun, One day at a time

God Bless

Monday, 6 January 2014

Get organised in 30 days, Day 6

Welcome to a new week. I hope that you are all enjoying the challenges so far. We have been busy in the ODAAT house. Over the course of the weekend, we have renewed my husband's wardrobe after he has successfully lost 20 kilograms. He happily announced that he has removed all clothes that have an X on the label. Whilst renewing his wardrobe he even got some M's. We have been busy re organising our daughter's room and doing a spot of gardening. And Yes I did give myself a facial on Friday night!

So onto today's Challenge...

Declutter Mission!! (AKA Stash, Trash or Go)

Time to take your timer, Rubbish bag and 2 containers into the room that is bugging you the most. 
Set your timer for 15 minutes and STASH the stuff that need to be put away in one container, Stuff the TRASH in the bag and stow the stuff that really needs to GO.

My daughter's bedroom has been my Bugbear for the last few weeks. So we have stowed some of the toys that she has outgrown and put them aside, ready for a future addition to the family or a person who is in need. Which ever comes first. I threw out all of the broken toys, or ones that were not worth keeping and then re organised her room so that she can play and so that mummy can get in a vacuum the floor tomorrow. 

even Hunter approves

I have also set up a reading box for her as she is learning to read, right next to her CD player. I am really happy with what was achieved today, as we have one empty storage container in her cubby cubes.
I took a little longer in here as I got on a roll and the kids were happily watching a movie. Hope you can see the changes happening in your home one day at a time

Have Fun and get going!

God Bless,

Friday, 3 January 2014

Get Organised in 30 Days, Day 3

Pamper Mission!

You heard it folks, time to look after yourself!

Today you are going to take some time to look after yourself. Time to relax  and unwind with a face mask. If you would like to make your own, you can try one of the recipes I found here.

Nice and easy. Remember also to drink lots of water with the weather heating up in the next few days. 

Have Fun and God Bless


Thursday, 2 January 2014

Get Organised in 30 Days Challenge Day 2

 Trash and Treasure Hunt

Yes today we are going on an old fashioned treasure hunt. You have 15 minutes to fill a bag with "Trash" and a container with misplaced "Treasure".
At the end of your 15 minutes you should have 2 full containers, just like this image below.

Then you have another 15 minutes to take out the trash and correctly home the treasure. Have fun with it and even get the kids involved. Grab a couple of small bucket and let them go "treasure hunting" too

Until tomorrow
 Happy hunting and God Bless


Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Get Organised in 30 Days Challenge, Day 1

Ok here we are and ready to kick it off with a bang!! Are you ready for a little hard work and a lot of reward. We are going to make it fun so we can get it done.  We will have everything from Trash and Treasure hunts, to slipshod scrub and shine, and everything in between.

Ok so those of you who are following me on Facebook already know that today's task is going to be a doozy. I would like to thank my trusty "Challenge Tester", Tash for being my guinea pig over the course of this month. Without her, I wouldn't know how well my instructions all work or how quickly a task can be achieved.

Time to get to it!

Ok, so for today's task you will need; cleaning cloths, gumption or similar, non abrasive scourer, tea towels, all purpose spray and your timer.

We are going to transform our kitchen in under an hour.

Set your timer for 15 minutes and start on the left side of your kitchen. Get rid of the rubbish, clear any hotspot (pile of clutter), remove all loose items and then give your benches a really good scrub. You
may need to give it a couple of washes to remove all powdery residues. Clean down any appliances and replace only the most necessary items. If you have time left on your timer, spray and wipe down cupboard doors and handles. 

Repeat this for your entire kitchen for no more than an hour. When you get to your sink clear it and scrub the bench, use the gumption and scourer to really polish up your sink (please if you have a ceramic sink, do not do this, instead use some vinegar and bicarb to soften and safely remove residues.) Then you can rinse and towel dry. You should have a really lovely shine in your sink. It you want to help repel messes even further, try a little Windex before towel drying ;)

Here are our before and After shots of our Test Kitchen.

Scrub that bench!

Post scrubbing, Note that it needs another wipe over.

Clean cupboard fronts

After 15 minutes

Shiny Sink and Windows

1 hour in!

1 hour in
1 hour in! 

1 hour in!

The conclusion

Now we discovered that in 1 hour, Tash didn't get to the stove top or fridge doors. Nor did she take the rubbish out in that time. Please remember to give yourself a 10 minute rest break at the 30 minute point. The aim isn't to burn out. This kitchen is not finished yet, but it will be by the time our challenge is over.

Have fun with this, turn some music on and go for it! Until tomorrow,
God Bless
