Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Your day is what you make it

Changing view, changing moods

Yesterday I was feeling a little glum. I have been feeing unwell and my old pal anxiety had decided to set up camp for a week or 2. I knew I needed a change of scene and a little out time from being Mum. This is a regular need for me, as a special needs mum. Some days are great, and others not so. My eldest has been a little more work over the last week, due to change in routines. So my stress levels were up.

I decided I was going to get out of the house and make a trip to Ikea. It is my favourite place to go for organisation ideas. It was a pretty special day though, as the new kitchens were being released. Yes I am an Ikea nerd and proud of it! I didn't want to go on my own, as I was still feeling a little fragile from the week. So it was time to "phone a friend", Facebook style. With a new friend in tow, we ventured out to see the new kitchens in all their magnificent splendour. After pawing all the new cabinets and fabulous drawer combinations we sat down for a cuppa in the cafe.

After completing the outing with a quick sprint around the bottom floor to grab a few things on my list, we headed home. I was dreaming of my new kitchen and what it was going to look like.

Upon returning home, I received a message thanking me for the time out. The lesson for me here is, never under estimate how much a person needs to hear that they are doing ok. Just to be a listening ear and share a cuppa can help to find that light that mysteriously disappeared from the tunnel of life. For me, it has confirmed why I have been called to ministry.

Oops I got the wrong product.... but hey..

So when I was unpacking my beautiful new boxes, I discovered I grabbed the wrong one after I had already opened it. No problem... time to repurpose it :)

So now I have a lovely storage box for my EPP(English Paper Piecing) papers.


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