Sunday, 18 October 2015

100 goals for 10 years??

I recently found myself so overwhelmed with all the things that I have to do, want to do, as well as my dreams and goals. I had to do lists, recipes and business ideas strewn all over my house. I couldn't put my thoughts together long enough, to form a single blog post, due to the amount o f pressure I had put myself under.

Enter Bullet Journals!

I actually have two, but this one is what I want to show you. I have adapted the Bullet Journal idea for a particular purpose. I am using a Moleskine Chapter Journal, I picked up on clearance at Officeworks for $5. I have decorated it with Stickers from Kikki-K used Post it note Divider Tabs for each chapter.

Here is how it works. In the very back of the journal, there is a Chapter list. This is where I list what each section is about. I am finding this very helpful, as I LOVE lists!!

You can see that my first chapter is 100 goals in 10 years. Am I crazy?? Maybe a little. This one task took me 3 weeks to complete, but my mind is now free of the thinking clutter about these. I have them written down, so that I can refer to them regularly. Having goals written down, has been proven to make achieving them, 80 percent more likely.

I found the idea for the 100 goals in 10 years on Boho Berry's blog. I have adapted it for my needs, and I am really happy with it. So here they are, for the whole work to see.

I have split my goals into 8 areas:

  • Spiritual
  • Financial
  • Work and Business
  • Travel
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Family
  • Personal
  • Big Bodacious Goals

You might notice that, I have already crossed my first goal off. I finished writing the list! Go Me!!

Each of my other chapters in this  journal comprises of lists for renovations, Quilting, books to read, school holiday ideas and meal planning ideas. I will share these lists with you as I build them up.

How do you keep record of your goals and plans?? Would you use this method?? I would love to hear your feedback.

Keeping it Simple, One Day at a time,


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