Sunday 9 October 2011

27 fling boogie.

I made the decision today that my desk needs to be cleared. This seems to be a regular occurrence, but it gets easier each time. I will show you how I do it.

I start with my tools. For my office I use 2 trays and a rubbish bag. One tray is for put away/filing, the other is for shredding and the bag is for rubbish. The aim is for improvement, not perfection.

 I then find 27 items to be filed/put away, 27 for the bin and 27 to be shredded. The last one for me has been a recent revelation. I used to hoard lots of paper, because I thought it needed it all and the thought of sorting through it was too much for me. When I discovered Flylady, I discovered how easy it can be..... And fun!

The most important part is that when you have sorted the area and got each of your 27 items, you have to throw the rubbish immediately, file the filing/ put away items and shred the shredding. Otherwise you will never really declutter the offending area.

As you can see, my desk isn't perfect. However, I know that I can find everything I need and it will make really easy to pack later this week. Hope you have been inspired. Have a great day!


Unknown said...

It's incredible what you get done in 15 minutes! I'm going to do this now

Unknown said...

:D I did it! : ) I have now got 2 bags filled with 27 things to go to op-shop/give away, 27 things went into recycle/bin & I put away 27 items. My wardrobe/linen cupboard is immaculate again. Brilliant!

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