Monday 23 December 2013

My Get Organised Challenge Introduction

Over the next month or two, I am going to be co ordinating a challenge for a few friends via my blog. I know I haven't been very busy on here for quite some time and so I have decided to rename and reorganise it at the same time.

The very first thing we need to look at is WHY?
This can be for any number of reasons, but the main one is that we feel as though we are drowning in the day to day. We do well for a while, but then we crash and burn. The main reason for this is that we try to do too much too soon. Routines can take between 21 and 30 days to form into habit. Just think about that cup of Coffee you have every morning. I bet you have it at the same time every day after you have been through your little morning "routine". This is a habit that you have formed over many months and years, going right back to when you were a child with your morning milk or Milo.

HOW? is our next question. By taking one small step and one little bite at the apple each day. I am not going to overload you with routines. I am however going to recommend 3 tasks that need to be done every day to help form these new routines. Everything else will fall in line as we go.

Those three tasks are:

  1. Make your bed everyday
  2. Clear your sink every night before you go to bed.
  3. Wash, dry fold and put away a load of washing everyday for families and every 2nd day for singles and couples.
These 3 routines will help establish order and calm in our homes as well as a feeling of achievement.

Each week, I will aim to set tasks in this way
Monday: Declutter
Tuesday: Clean
Wednesday: organise
Thursday: Plan/pay bills/filing.
Friday: Pamper Mission
Saturday/Sunday: Challenge.

Each task during the week will take only 15 minutes. We may not finish the task each day, BUT that is ok. The challenge is to improve, not to burn out. On the weekends I will set a task that may take up to an hour.

The best part about this is that the rest of your day is yours.From your entire day, there should only be 1 hour taken up by your new routine. We are all going to be in this together. I am going to be doing it with you so that I can photograph each challenge.

I hope you can all join me from January 1st, 2014 to take on this challenge and reclaim time and joy in our lives, One day at a time.

God Bless



Unknown said...

We are in sync, I started doing these three tasks each day the past 3 days :) I will continue to do so. Count me in for the New year challenges :)

Unknown said...

Yay! I just cleaned the kitchen, put a load of washing in the machine ready to wash in the morning and now ready to sleep. Thank you

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