Wednesday 22 January 2014

Get organised in 30 Days, Day 22

Organisation Day

Welcome back to another Organisation Wednesday. There has been much decluttering and shuffling of stuff around the ODAAT home. We are in the process of streamlining a few things and even planning our Kitchen renovation. We have finally settled on a layout and style, but the waiting for quotes is the hardest part at the moment. So what does this have to do with today's post? Well... a couple of things. We have been getting organised for long enough, that we have time now to plan projects and do little organisation tasks at the drop of a hat.

As we are in the Bedroom this week, we are going to look at your clothes and your laundering habits. DO you wash every day? Do you wait until the weekend and get frustrated, because you have to do the washing all weekend, just to have clothes for the next week? I used to wash my clothes only on the weekend. I also used to get mad, because I couldn't get anything done with the kids or my hubby.
My family now has a laundry routine that includes the kids stripping their beds on alternate weeks, and everyone taking their dirty clothes to the laundry and even sorting their washing into our sorting system. I have to give The Organised housewife credit for the sorting system, as it is the best system for our busy family.
Although it is her idea, I purchased mine from Ikea, as it is narrower and fits in my available space. It was also 20% cheaper than the Howards Storage version.

The other thing we are going to do is set a daily/bi daily laundry routine. Figure out how often you need to wash darks, colours, whites, sheets and towels. I know that for my family it is 1 load a day and usually 2 on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I normally don't wash on Thursday or Sunday, as I give myself a break. I turn my washing on first thing in the morning and hang it out when I get home from the morning's errands. I also remove the previous day's washing, fold and put away all at the same time. This usually takes no more than 20 minutes to do all of this. I dare you to try!

The other thing we are going to do is plan a project to work on. Spend 10 minutes today writing down a project you want to work on. It could be in the garden, an art project, planning a renovation, even planning time out with your beloved.

Enjoy your home life and keep it simple.

Have Fun with it all and God Bless



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