Tuesday 28 January 2014

Get Organised in 30 Days, Day 28

Wow! The weekend seems to have flown by and I straight out forgot to write my Post!! However I have been busy helping my Decluttering Buddy, Natasha to regain another room in her home. Nothing like releasing the clutter of toys no longer wanted, costumes that have long since had it and videos that have been replaced by DVDs. Over 2 days and a total of 6 hours, we cleared out 3 boxes of kids clutter, a TV cabinet and created a study station for her 2 kids. A book case got a complete makeover and there are now boxes upon boxes of stuff going to a garage sale this weekend. The wheelie bin is full and there is a great deal of satisfaction being felt for the achievements this weekend. It wasn't all work though, as  we took time out to have a swim, a couple of BBQ sessions and spending time with the kids.


Today we are going to a bunch of 10 minute jobs to get the house ship shape before school starts next week.

Ok Set your timer for 10 minutes for each of these 6 jobs

  1. Sweep your floors and give a quick Mop.
  2. Sweep your Patio/balcony
  3. Clean your bathroom (just a quick swish and swipe)
  4. Clean mirrors and glass.
  5. Tidy your junk drawer
  6. damp dust your lounge room.
Getting these few tasks done will help to get your home looking ready for any surprise visitors. Have a great day and enjoy the journey!

God Bless



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